101 members
ID: 21134
WECRYPTO DEMYSTIFIES CRYPTO: We help women and everyone build confidence in talking about and interacting with everything crypto!
378 members
ID: 8771
Hi, to all my girlies. If you are looking for a cute apex server with only girls from around the world, which is focused on gaming, just join us. The verification is easy and fast^^.
81 members
ID: 10055
Friendly queer community for gaming, anime, art, and just hanging out!
54 members
ID: 24957
New safe space for women, primarily focuses on gaming, but you don't have to be a gamer to enjoy the place!
109 members
ID: 27102
1461 members
ID: 34814
A cozy server for MtF trans women with a bunch of fun activities
176 members
ID: 51153
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