Whether you want to talk amongst your own ideology or have a civil debate among others, this is the server for you.
A space for open and honest discussion of fascism and of politics in general. Adherents of all belief systems are welcome. 16+, no hate speech or other content against Community Guidelines
Biz Türkçe Bir Din Tarih Ahlak Siyaset Yani Bir Felsefe Sunucusuyuz Felsefeden anlamamanız önemli değil sohbet etmek içinde gelebilirsiniz
There are only two eras in history: before WW2 and after it. Deep inside of mankind’s subconscious forever is WW2, one of the most impactful events that humanity has ever witnessed. This is a community for fellow lovers of its history. From the well-known aspects to the niche details, there is a place for it here.
We are a feminist, LGBTQ+ friendly, political and leftist-oriented social community