1242 members
ID: 4991
memes, shitposting, and laughs lol
1769 members
ID: 2276
Looking for the best memes, emojis, and NSFW content? We have all of it, join us and have fun!
896 members
ID: 3703
A chill server to hangout, talk and shitpost about whatever you want.
501 members
ID: 26711
📢 Welcome to 🪐Planet Mefensive🪐. A server that consists of various types of memes, some of which are dark, and offensive, or wholesome!
33348 members
ID: 32980
This server has different kinds of memes, active chats, sorted channels! #1 in NSFW memes and Offensive memes
12500 members
ID: 93853
In Memuseum, you will find the best memes, and nsfw memes, a lot of other stuff.
16179 members
ID: 99423
A funny discord server with sorted channels, many meme channels and so much more!