We are a growing community of artists and countryball fans. We host a lot of events and we like discussing about various topics.
This is a safe place where black people can talk about all things pop culture, and discuss black topic and issues all in one server. Whether your thing is Video Games, Movies, Live Action Tv, Comics, Cartoons, or just simply chatting, this is your space to be unapologetically black and well cultured. This server is also designed for talking about serious racial issues in our world, black history, other world events. This is a relatively new server, so please be patient as we gain new members. ⚡- 15-18+ ⚡- Movie Nights ⚡- Cartoon Streams ⚡- Gaming Streams ⚡- Music Channel ⚡- Many Text Channels including Black topics, history, cartoons, gaming, comics, tv, and more. ⚡- No racism. ⚡- LGBT+ friendly. ⚡- No bullying. ⚡- Nsfw channels (No nudity though)
Welcome to the Darkhold! This is a community server for things like Gaming, Marvel, and so much more! Thank you for joining and have fun!