198 members
ID: 44662
🛑This is a SELF-IMPROVEMENT server, meant to HELP others and create a COMMUNITY of strong and happy individuals🛑
2229 members
ID: 3579
We are Spirit State, where souls dance with fate! Open yourself, let your vibes rise, and we may be a pleasant surprise!
306 members
ID: 3984
Join our SFW 30+ server! Come discuss philosophy, MBTI, books (join our book club!), meditate & play games with us.
24 members
ID: 16885
A Community for those peoples who wants to achieve Mental Toughness, wants to be in Self-love, wants to perform Mindfulness.
89 members
ID: 27116
spiritual & self-improvement related server.
87 members
ID: 57512
Acest server este pentru cei care vor sa devina mai buni! 🥇 Vino si fi un campion cu noi! 🏆🏃 (Scopul nostru, sa devenim campioni!)
235 members
ID: 91181
Place to enlighten and to get enlightened, the real enlightenment, a sangha.