54 members
ID: 94728
Уютный дискор сервер для общения и не только. Заходи мы всем рады
73 members
ID: 8745
This server is for gaming,bg talks and mostly for my subscribers We host giveaways
63 members
ID: 8840
Hi there chill server is a place where you can meet friends and hang out
11209 members
ID: 9054
The Aesthetix is all about chill , giveaways , music & emojis . You can enjoy here , make new friends talk to them in Vcs And Chat
193 members
ID: 9798
We are a friendly and welcoming discord server that does giveaways and partnerships.
62 members
ID: 10134
15 members
ID: 12546
Hello and enjoy your stay <3