11 members
ID: 91570
Software Devs is where all people that enjoy programming can stay at!
712 members
ID: 91175
nuking server poggers
34 members
ID: 90522
A place to solve your programming problems
33 members
ID: 90296
Tech talk, developers, programmers/coders chatting, fun, emotes
94 members
ID: 89166
Hello programmers Welcome to machine learning. Join and learn ml
93 members
ID: 88754
Support Server for the discord.py-message-components Library
1437 members
ID: 80771
Impeccably Development Sunucusu, Yazılımcılar Arasında Yardımlaşma Ortamının Oluşturulması İçin Kurulmuş Bir Yazılım Topluluğudur.
66 members
ID: 79014
Flux Networking is a coding and development community and server that is accepting to all kinds of people. Join Flux Networking Now!
85 members
ID: 78892
Python Bot Official Server
111 members
ID: 56338
Empowering Coders - To Embark on a New Journey
141 members
ID: 56133
PyScript Support Server - Run Python in the Browser!
10 members
ID: 56042
Simple as is, this server is a place that would give you a chance to connect with other programmers.
73 members
ID: 55955
A server for you to invite your bot and test it and get help from another bot makers, we also provide a friendly community chats
49 members
ID: 55805
The ultimate hangout yard for tech lovers. Coffee Dev is a community that brings together developers of all levels.
37 members
ID: 54206
Hi Guys, Join our server because here you can chat for as long as you want and play with bots and go to the Coding category and see assignments of coding and submit and get promoted in the server.
22 members
ID: 53020
Discord community for programmers all around the world. You should join us and have fun.
ID: 52735
This is a server mostly for bob (a discord bot) and you can find many fun projects like Mincraft Server maker!
1686 members
ID: 52704
A place where people can talk about anything related to programming, devops and other related things
ID: 51878
A programming server that is friendly and actually wants to help you, supporting over 20 languages.
19 members
ID: 49868
Welcome to tech lounge we offer support for pcs, phones, discord bots and coding,etc