Welcome to Peanut Juice! Owned By Phoenix and James. A chill server that features bots like Mudae, Pokétwo and Dank Memer with many more! We may be a small growing community but we enjoy ourselves here.. Hopefully. We have anime and gaming channels as well as a channel for advertising discord servers. If you do advertise your server we would insist on you also advertising our server to help create a growing community. We plan to host many gaming and other events! If you have any ideas for this community please let us know using our feedback system!
This server was made for making friends and having fun lol. It is a pretty chill server and we don't like homophobia or racism . We have a mildly interactive community right now but we hope to fix that with the addition of new members. We usually don't ban ppl lol. Anybody is free to join as long as they agree to all of our rules.
Eden welcomes you to a place where you can freely chat and share your personality ~